Paperback: 544 pages
Publisher: BowTie Press; Original edition (August 30, 2011)
ISBN-10: 1933958758
Rating (1 to 5 *): ****** (yes, 6.)
The Original Horse Bible Book Review
Anyone who has ever had a horse or spent any time with them knows you never stop learning about them. There is so much to learn, you could fill an entire set of encyclopedias! Authors Sharon Biggs and Moira C. Reeve attempted to get some of the more important and interesting stuff into The Original Horse Bible, and they did a fantastic job of it.
The Original Horse Bible contains breed profiles, basic information novices must know, training techniques, health and basic care, showing tips, breeding information, and so much more. It's a truly stunning collection of knowledge, supplemented by many pictures--it's worth getting the book just to look at them alone. The amount of research that went into this book is mind boggling.
I have one small beef with the book, and that is minor. There are so many views on training and care that I thought the authors should have acknowledged that more--techniques discussed are presented as the only correct way to do something, which I'm sure they felt is true, but some very successful trainers or vets might disagree. With my level of knowledge, I didn't find any of the information to be bad or incorrect, I just know that there are other approaches that are just as valid.
The Original Horse Bible is a valuable resource that horse lovers could sit down and read cover to cover and be entertained while they learn more than they could ever have expected, but it's also laid out in such a way that it's easy to find information you need to go straight to. It is well written and conceived, and I applaud the authors for their hard work.
On a sad note, Moira C. Reeve is no longer with us. May she rest in peace knowing that she has left a vast legacy in the work she created throughout her career.
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